10 Things to Do With Your Dog This Spring

Though you might have enjoyed snuggling up indoors with your pup over the cold months, it’s time to limber up and make the most of the lovely spring weather. After you get your dog prepped for the springtime, here are a few things you can do to thoroughly enjoy each other’s company before it starts getting too hot outside:

1) Explore a new walking route. 

@thegossipdogs wandering in their shoesweartop dog hoodies.
Now that you can spend more time outside, try a different route for your daily walks. You might discover more enjoyable paths and your dog might appreciate the new sights and scents. You might even meet new dogs and people along the way.

2) Enjoy your neighborhood.

 @xcuse.my.frenchie pups enjoying some al fresco time wearing shoesweartop Cuban Link Collars in silver and Dog Hoodies.

Get your dog all geared up and hit all the pet-friendly joints in your neighborhood. Let your pup accompany you as you go shopping and enjoy an al fresco lunch. You might even discover new places to hang out and play.  

3) Delight in some off-leash time.

@charlotte_schmitt_oeb enjoying some off-leash time wearing the shoesweartop Anti Social Dog Hoodie. 

If your dog has been cooped up indoors for most of the winter, they’ll certainly enjoy some off-leash time. Find a safe place to do this and just let your dog loose. If they have some friends in the neighborhood, make sure to invite them as well.

4) Play fetch at the park.

 @kinglouis_thefrenchie fetching a frisbee in his shoesweartop Checkered Flag Dog Windbreaker.

If you can let your dog loose at your local park, you can spend some time there to play fetch. All you need is a ball or a stick to have some fun. Your dog will surely love you for it.

5) Visit an obstacle course.

@the_life_of_pepa enjoying some time at the dog park with the shoesweartop Cuban Link Chain in gold and Initial Dog Charm. 

If your local dog park has an obstacle or agility course, go ahead and try it! It will take some time to teach your dog how to use each obstacle, but it will give you plenty of time to bond and accomplish something new together.

6) Try doing scent work.  

@oliver_themaltipoo_ getting some training time in his shoesweartop WOOF Dog Hoodie in white.
Although working dogs are the ones that typically excel in Scent Work, it is something that all dogs can enjoy. In this sport, items with specific scents are hidden and dogs are taught to use their noses to find them. If you find that your dog has potential, you can even train them to compete in this popular canine sport.

7) Go for a hike. 

@sunny.french enjoying the great outdoors in shoesweartop Green Shark Camo Walk Set.
There are many pet-friendly hillsides and national parks you can explore with your dog. Strap on a comfortable dog harness and put on a long leash. The physical exercise accompanied by the sights and smells of nature will surely do you both some good.

8) Head to a lake.  

@itshenrythebully hanging out by the water in his shoesweartop Red, White, Navy Dog Hoodie. 

Most dogs love the water, so you can try driving to a nearby lake. You can even invite some friends or family to swim with you. Just make sure you get your dog a life jacket to help them enjoy the water safely and confidently.

9) Try camping. 

Kobe Bean of @bigheaddynasty_ out in the woods wearing the shoesweartop WOOF Dog Hoodie in red. 

Find dog-friendly camping grounds where you can stay overnight. Apart from your leash and harness, consider packing a dog hoodie to keep your dog warm and also protect them from springtime allergens they might encounter outdoors.

10) Take a vacation.  

@goodbye_mrchips wearing the shoesweartop Leopard Dog Bomber Jacket and Gold Dog Chain.
Have you ever traveled with your dog? Try heading out and enjoying a vacation further away from home. You can find a pet-friendly resort to drive to or maybe even fly to a completely new destination. If you’ve never done this before, it’ll surely be a trip for the books.
Although your dog will be perfectly happy to spend more time at home with you, this is the perfect season to enjoy outdoor activities. Besides, making the most out of the lovely spring weather will be one of the best ways for you to show your pet just how much you love them.